After picking Vincent up late Tuesday afternoon (took more than an hour from arrival until I could embrace him) we drove to our home at the base. Travelling back in heavy traffic was already an adventure and we or better said I made some wrong turns
We had a late dinner and late night, so I let him sleep in, while Anders went to work and I to Zumba and Pilatus. Upon my return he woke up we had brunch and went off for him to have a badly needed haircut. This was appreciated not only by Vincent but also Unna, my hairdresser.
We had a swift procedure at Camp Kim for his two week permit stay at the base and afterwoods I showed him some of the many facilities on base.
The following day he went with Anders up to the DMZ and got the full brief regarding the situation between North- and South Korea. Saw Camp Bonifas, Tunnel 3, Swedish - and Swiss camp, Conference Row and more. Something everybody visiting this country should see.
He joined us at the Change of Command Ceremony and following reception for Commander of US Naval Forces Korea RADM Peter Gumataotao.
And in the between time, we also managed to go to the tailor for a nice suit and several shirts. Also Mr. Bob got engaged, for a pair of handmade shoes, while we had a walk about on Itaewon. On Saturday time for a fast visit to Namdeamun then quickly back home to prepare for the “kräftskiva” at our home. This will be posted next time………………..
Sailors of the seven seas.......
An insight of what Anders and I do.
Waiting in line to say farewell.

Visiting Opservation Post Dora Military Demarcation Line
Father and son at Conferance Row
And ofcouce a night out at our favorate restaurant!