For the first time in eight months I left the peninsula (well more the island for we can't exactly take our grabber blue car and drive to China or?) and we went for a weekend to Hong Kong!
We had fabulous weather and met fantastic people. If Emma, our friends’ 25 year old wonderful daughter wouldn't have been there, Anders and I would have been the youngest in the group of 16 people. This hasn't happened for many years. Nevertheless, they had been there a couple of days before us with a busy and social program but they surely warned us out! We had; FUN, FUN, FUN!
After we arrived on Friday afternoon we took a walk down town HK, no need to rush into shops for we would be there some more days, so we strolled around in the center and yes of cause had a beer.
In the evening we went out for dinner and as our friends live since a couple of years in HK and know the city extremely well, so we were in a wonderful street were we had dinner.
All around us there was Halloween celebration a bit soon according to the date but we weren't slow to fall into the crowd.

Who is who???
Next day we went sailing ......................
Had great temperature, were on a beautiful sailing boat, belonging to Andrew a friend of Patrick, had great company, enjoyed a wonderful lunch, drank water, wine and beer. Life can be a dream at least for Anders and me it was that entire day, for in the evening we were installed as Inspector and Inspectrix................But I'll get to that on my next blog!