UNCMAC (United Nations Command Armistice Agreement) and NNSC (Neutral Nations Supervisory Committee) were invited by the Republic of Korea for a three days Spring Tour which went to Jeju Island.
The goal was to deepen the understanding of the ROK military, the Korean culture and get to know each other better.The Hercules C130, landed with the 35 attendees at 11:00 in Jeju Island, where an intensive program started.
From visiting the Jeju Defense Command to Hanrim Park, War History Museum, Provincial Government Office, Mt. Songak, Hicking at Olle Road, glass Castle or fishing tour and more. I think it’s too much to write about everything and keeping you interested.
Jeju’s origin goes back to the Stone Age and has today approximately 570,000 inhabitants. It is a volcanic island, situated in the South of the Peninsula between Korea and Japan. The major economic drive is tourism and exports of mandarins. In modern times Jeju has been ruled by Japan for thirty-five years and had for the ruler a very important and strategic meaning. Their base on the Westside gave clear, unobstructed views of the coastline and the possibility to direct any defense against a foreign armada (but an invasion never came). Built into its base are darkened, claustrophobic kilometers long underground tunnels build by Korean men, who were underground for years without seeing daylight and suffered immensely of hunger.
The views around the island, the mountains fabulous colors of the sea are breathtaking. Last year over three million tourist visited Jeju and the Island has entered its application in order to become one of the top seven beautiful destinations in the world. www.N7W.com However, there’s one more thing I would like to share with you; the Haenyeo (female Divers). These strong and independent women (they still are active divers) played an indispensible role in their home economies. They also organized the biggest anti-Japanese protest in 1932. It was a happy family, who got baby girls, when a boy was born he would get a dash on his butt. Until today the strong female society has had an impact for there’s a large majority of woman living on the island. (Maybe a tip for single men who aren’t intimidated by strong woman?)
While learning a lot about this part of Korea, enjoying tasty good Korean food we had a wonderful time and a lot of fun interacting with each other. After the dinner the last evening we ended with two hours of Karaoke, but I don’t think the world missed out on a great artist.
The Swedish Delegates
The Korean Marines, who had brieved us and given several demonstrations.
Olle route sceneries
Black, lava sand while walking to the caves.
Breathtaking or???