The house we live in has apart from basic furniture also all the American appliances’ supplied. And I do love the big refrigerator, freezer and drycleaner but the washing machine is in my (and all other Swedish woman’s living here), opinion a disaster. My hart really goes out to all US woman that have to work with this always for besides that the machine “eats” your clothes, so you have to put many things in washing bags, your laundry doesn’t get clean!
Now I understand why there are so very many bleaching products available, the machine even has a special dosage for admitting the bleach.
I presume that the laundry is mainly a woman’s job in the States for if man would have this task I’m sure a better machine, needing no bleaching (which still doesn’t get the stains out or collars neat and clean) and doing its job properly would be available.
Today’s solution? Sending the shirts to the launderette in Seoul.
On the right my "not too good" friend"Eaten" trausers
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