Sunday, 27 January 2013

The relaxing days surely are turning into day-to-day life again or?

This week feels like I’m back on track again! Leaving the house every day at ten to eight for 1.5 hour training, watch out Sweden here I come! Besides my daily start up, I have had a breakfast appointment and four luncheons. But I also have been occupied with:

Ø  Writing on my book

Ø  Doing my correspondence

Ø  Cleaning and all other work in the household

Ø  Preparing for my traveling to Sweden and the US

Ø  Interviewing one of the spouses

Ø  Finishing up my presentation

Ø  Preparing for my friend Anne’s and her husband John’s stay this weekend

Ø  Planning dinner parties menu and rest of the week

Ø  Running errant’s: bank, shops and so forth

Ø  Plus of cause writing now J

Great motivators for my every day training getting done!

Let's GO!

While we do our "Gillian" training our buddies go for spinning.....

some Pilatus, plus walking 30 minutes!


Nicer time during luncheons???



We couldn't resist to finish up with a Starbucks coffee and more discussions!

Did I get the groceries? No, I did not! Anders is out and about getting those at this very minute! But as I’ve been reading many times on Facebook these past weeks, it’s the same for everybody. Nevertheless, I in my mind thought I would have time to do more since I’m not employed at this moment. That’s not really true. However, it feels like running and standing still, for I do have a wonderful relaxing times when I meet with all the wonderful women!

Will get back to you for the last time before leaving Korea for a month! Take Care and until then!


Last luncheon of the week, hosted by Elisabet Pieterse
from South Africa. Than quickly, quickly back home for
my friend Anne and her husband John, from Washington DC, 
will come to stay with us for a couple of days!

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Think you need to be a man to be able to work from home…..

Well maybe it’s because I’m mainly working from and at home the past years and because I don’t want to bore you with talking about the functions we attend, I decided to blog about what I noticed. I can tell you that there is a huge difference between my husband and I working from home, did see it before but didn’t really react to it until today!

So this time my blog is about that discovery.

Since 2011 I haven’t been employed. However, that doesn’t mean I haven’t been working. Last year I did a lot of volunteering, marketed the NNSC intensively and more. This year, I’m focusing on translating and finishing my book. This is rather an intense and time-consuming project for I have set a deadline to having it finished in order to print it here. Besides that I of cause have all the normal stuff, cleaning, washing, ironing, flowers, dinner parties, social events, visitors and so forth, you fill in the rest.

Today, Anders was supposed to be transported by helicopter for an inspection. Due to the weather the trip was canceled so he worked from home since he didn’t go to Panmunjom, were his office is. And I promise you, he did work! Men have the fabulous capacity to focus! Right!

I, who also work from home and try to write four to five hours a day on my book, didn’t focus….

I did my correspondence, started this blog, cleaned the bathrooms, did some machines of laundry, watered the plants, and cleaned the stove, which Anders used last night when he made dinner. I know! I should be glad that he makes dinner. But really?
So why can he sit down to work and not I? Maybe it’s a matter of my generation but I have hard focusing on “my work” while there are so many things that need to be done too. However, it does teach me that when I start working again, I need to be at an office.

Anders just told me that when he’s finished working he’ll make dinner (again J) so I can write! How can I do anything else than loving that man of mine!


Tuesday, 8 January 2013

A New Year…. Happy New Year!!!



A New Year…. And A Happy New Year I wish each one of you! All of you who are my dear and near ones, regular or irregular readers of my blog, or persons I never met or ever will meet. Have a fabulous year!


When one year ends, I like to look back to it and so far I’ve been very fortunate of all the fabulous things that happened in my life. However, when I welcome a new year I intent to look forward and can’t help to wonder what will happen….

Ø  Will everybody I love deeply and dearly stay healthy and well?

Ø  Will I be a part of supporting my daughter planning her wedding?

Ø  Will the ones I love and care for and very ill get better?

Ø  Will I be able to support the ones who are going to need support?

Ø  Will I find a way to support myself again with an interesting job?

Ø  Will I be able to achieve the goals I’ve putted for the year 2013?

Ø  Will I ever see the people I met here AND are found of, again?

My questions are endless and will not be answered until….changing of the year 2013! But maybe it’s also that this time of the year gives one a thrill, the uncertainties in many questions are exciting, and others are frightening.

However, the start has been good even if we couldn’t attend the New Years Eve party we were invited to due to me having caught my son’s cold but with a fever. But Anders and I had a warm, happy and welcoming this New Year evening. Living far away from family and friends, has given us a very long, long happy New Year wishing, this of cause due to the time zones.

And now I would like to wish you all, as we say in Sweden……………….