Wednesday 16 January 2013

Think you need to be a man to be able to work from home…..

Well maybe it’s because I’m mainly working from and at home the past years and because I don’t want to bore you with talking about the functions we attend, I decided to blog about what I noticed. I can tell you that there is a huge difference between my husband and I working from home, did see it before but didn’t really react to it until today!

So this time my blog is about that discovery.

Since 2011 I haven’t been employed. However, that doesn’t mean I haven’t been working. Last year I did a lot of volunteering, marketed the NNSC intensively and more. This year, I’m focusing on translating and finishing my book. This is rather an intense and time-consuming project for I have set a deadline to having it finished in order to print it here. Besides that I of cause have all the normal stuff, cleaning, washing, ironing, flowers, dinner parties, social events, visitors and so forth, you fill in the rest.

Today, Anders was supposed to be transported by helicopter for an inspection. Due to the weather the trip was canceled so he worked from home since he didn’t go to Panmunjom, were his office is. And I promise you, he did work! Men have the fabulous capacity to focus! Right!

I, who also work from home and try to write four to five hours a day on my book, didn’t focus….

I did my correspondence, started this blog, cleaned the bathrooms, did some machines of laundry, watered the plants, and cleaned the stove, which Anders used last night when he made dinner. I know! I should be glad that he makes dinner. But really?
So why can he sit down to work and not I? Maybe it’s a matter of my generation but I have hard focusing on “my work” while there are so many things that need to be done too. However, it does teach me that when I start working again, I need to be at an office.

Anders just told me that when he’s finished working he’ll make dinner (again J) so I can write! How can I do anything else than loving that man of mine!


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